extra income dari exincome

Written By Tirta Suryana on Sabtu, 09 April 2011 | 01.09

EXTRA INCOME provides professional investment in stable high-profitable business and try to maximize productivity, and stay ahead of the competition, more over we value every our customer. We take a portion of our own profit everyday and put it into the reserve fund account, to secure the future of this program.

We are not a ponzi scheme, because we don't rely on new investors to pay our members. Also, and though we offer a few consistent investment plans, we are constantly changing and looking for the best possible scenario, always with our members' interests in mind.

Basic Plan
120% After 5 Days

Medium Plan
145% After 10 Days

Premium Plan
170% After 15 Days

- Komisi referal : 5% per refferal
- Anti-DDOS : yes
- SSL : yes
- Payment Processor : liberty reserve, alertpay, solidtrust pay
- Contact 8023 State Route 213 Toronto, OH 43964 Phone: +36(21) 2524605 E-mail: adm : exincome@gmail.com

bukti invest ane

bukti pembayaran yg ane terima

NB : How risky is your offer and what is the probability of loss?
Everything in life is risky, even life itself. Without risks, you cannot make it. There are risks that are necessary even if you are not certain of its success or failure; Extra Income is that risk you need to take to make extra money and live a happy life. Your chances of loosing money is reduced to the barest minimal. Your capital is always save should in case anything happens (with our proper management and expertise, nothing happens)


robbie.blogger mengatakan...

Selamat ya sob, dollarnya penuh, tuh... boleh minta ndak $1 saja hehehehe Piz..Men

Tirta Suryana mengatakan...

wkwkkw bisa aja agan nih, ane orang ga mampu gan.. xixiixxi

Anonim mengatakan...

selamat ya bro . . .

ini program cara kerjanya gimana sih ?

tolong email ke :


IeDha mengatakan...

Selamat ya Bro. Semoga sukses ^_^

Anonim mengatakan...

Anda Beruntung !!!

Anonim mengatakan...

Lebih baik investnya ditarik.. jangan main hyip..

ADMIN mengatakan...

kallo gak mampu beneran gmna gan hahahahaa

ADMIN mengatakan...

gan jangan lupa sumbangan wat blog wa ya kyak biasa deh pokoknya hehhee

ADMIN mengatakan...

wakaaakaka gan low mau tu bencong ya wakakakak piss

Ci mengatakan...

Hati-hati scam...pengalaman pribadi bos...

adipati mengatakan...

hmmm...sayangnya PP ane lom aktif gan.ane dah dftar tp lom bisa invest.

jokeprix mengatakan...

wuih mantab euy, .
jadi pengen ikutan nih

Sana Sini News mengatakan...

xixixxi udah mati gan web y

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